iOS 13 includes an updated CarPlay which makes the WLHA iOS app display better in CarPlay. The app also now displays cover art in CarPlay, which the earlier versions did not do. Just part of the WLHA “be there” strategy – wherever there may be…
Author Archives: Lee Harris
WLHA Goes to Woodstock
Well to Bethel, NY anyway. That’s where the festival actually took place 50 years ago. Our Lee Harris will be in Bethel this Sunday morning with a sample of all the acts that took the stage, including the ones that are totally forgotten today like Bert Sommer and Sweetwater. He’ll also be looking for superannuated […]
Alexa Update! (Updated!)
The WLHA’s Alexa Skill is working again. Yay. Just say “Alexa, play WLHA”.If that doesn’t work say “Alexa launch WLHA”. If that doesn’t work try “Alexa start WLHA”. One you get it going the first time the “play” command should be sufficient. As a backup Live 365 has its own Alex Skill. Here’s how to […]
WLHA Reunion Weekend 2019
The first reunion with the new 24/7 WLHA was a resounding success if we do say so ourselves. We began with a live remote from the backyard of WLHA West on Friday night. Great BBQ courtesy of Casey and Mrs. the K. Saturday we were live at the Sprint Store at 2805 University Avenue broadcasting […]
WLHA on Alexa!
“Alexa play WLHA!” That’s all you have to say and Alexa will play the new 24/7 WLHA. Now, if she gives you a hard time, try “launch WLHA” or “open WLHA” that will set up the skill. After that “play WLHA” will do the trick. On your Amazon Echo, Dot, Spot or Show, […]
WLHA Android App Launched!
Hot on the heels of our iOS app comes our Android app. It does everything the iOS app does, which is to say not much. But it does let you listen to WLHA anytime anywhere on your Android device of choice. Search Google Play for “WLHA” Or download it directly right here:
WLHA App Now In Apple App Store
Think about it. There was a time when WLHA didn’t really even get out to the parking lot. Now you can take WLHA anywhere with the brand new WLHA app for iPhone and iPad. I defy anyone to name another carrier current radio station with an iOS app! Just go to the app store and […]
Valentine’s Spectacular from 2010!
It’s cold and snowy here in Madison so we thought we should cook up something fun to do. And what’s more fun than a romantic evening snuggled up near your radio/computer, listening to WLHA? We are a week out from Valentine’s Day so to put you in the romantic mood, or possibly kill the mood […]
WSUM Survives Another WLHA Resurrection Reunion Weekend
Wacky vintage college DJs can find it a challenge to revive long disused skills, like turning down the pot (potentiometer!) before a vinyl album starts playing the next track over their backsell. And this new fangled computer technology can be quite a chore to figure out. Hence the Resurrection Reunion Board of Directors is seriously […]
WLHA Scavenger Hunt Items
WLHA Resurrection Reunion Weekend Scavenger Hunt Items Obsolete Media Scavenger Hunt Items 10 points each, 100 points total plus 25 bonus = 120 points possible Reel of recording tape – 10 points, plus 5 bonus points if it is a 3” reel. Mini-disc – 10 points 45 rpm 7” record – 10 points , plus […]