This section contains the Commerials and PSAs created at WLHA and voiced by WLHA announcers. It does not include fake or spoof commercials which have a section all to themselves. Station Promos, IDs, Jock Shouts and Program Elements are also found in other sections.
Here is what we have found so far in alphabetical order:
Badger Liquor spot by Kevin Peckham, with bed for tag by Nivek.
Badger Liquor spot by Kevin Peckham, with bed for tag by Nivek.
Campus Assistance Center, by Dennis Krause.
Cellar Subs, by ?, Help us ID this voice.
Cue Nique Billards, Tom Baer, Tim Brickner, and Jan Steffes.
Events Schedule, by Dennis Krause.
Dominoes Pizza, Brian Manthey.
El Tejon Spot, Dave Bornstein.
Floozey News 1
Floozy News 2
Great Lakes Drags, Kurt Dawson, Andy Arns, and M. Scott Young.
Lakeshore Store Spot, 1979, Is this Brian Manthey? Help us ID this announcer.
LHA Movie - The Omen, Tim Brickner.
LHA Movie - Tommy, Dave Bornstein.
LHA Movie,- Casino Royal, Voice? Help us ID this voice from Spring of 1972.
LHA Movie -Death Race, Dave Bornstein and Andy Arns.
LHA Movie - Deliverance, Kevin Peckham and Kevin Ruppert.
LHA Movie - The Devil's Rain, Dave Bornstein, Andy Arns, and Chris Kammer.
LHA Movie - Erotic Nightengales, by Kevin Ruppert.
LHA Movie - Fluffy, Kevin Peckham.
LHA Movie - The Four Musketeers, by Dave Bornstein. We need your help to ID the "all for one" voices, sounds like it might be Andy Arns, Steve Buchert and M. Scott Young.
LHA Movie - King Kong, Kevin Peckham.
LHA Movie - The Grasshopper, Kevin Ruppert and Kevin Peckham.
LHA Movie - Torn Curtain, Kevin Ruppert.
LHA Store, 1971, Eric St. John.
LHA Store - Looney Lakeshore Louie by Kevin Peckham and Dennis Krause. This was a real spot for the Lakeshore Store that was done in the TV Lenny-Stupid Stereo Steve impersonation style heard on the Madison Radio Samplers.
Mad City Weekend, Dennis Krause.
Mel's Swingin' Inn, Kevin Peckham and Kevin Ruppert.
Mel's Swingin' Inn, Kevin Peckham and Kevin Ruppert.
Mel's Swingin' Inn, Ad Lib version, by Kevin Peckham and Kevin Ruppert.
Mel's Swingin' Inn, Cowboys, Kevin Peckham and ?
Olympics of drag racing contest.
Regent Apartments, drag race style, Andy Arns and Dave Bornstein.
Regent Apartments #2, Dennis Krause.
Regent Apartments. #1, Dennis Krause.
Regent Apartments, Dave Bornstein and Andy Arns and perhaps others in the crowd noise?
Regent Apartments, 1973, Kevin Peckham and Ginger Alberts.
Regent Apartments, Batman.
Right on we've got a winner.
Rocky Rococo, by Dave Onstadt
Rocky Rococo #2, Andy Arns, Chris Kammer.
Rocky Rococo #1, Andy Arns, Chris Kammer and unknown female voice. Help us ID her.
Rose Records, Kevin Fulk.
Santana Contest 1
Santana Contest 2 - DJ combined heights.
Santana Contest Song ID.
Santana Contest - call now.
Santana Contest - too high.
Santana Contest - too low.
State Street Spirits, Kevin Fulk
Uncle Jim's Pizza, Unknown but might be Brian Manthey or Kevin Fulk. Help us please.
Wisconsin Reading Lab, Dennis Krause.
Woodsy Owl, Dave Bornstein gives a hoot.
Woodsy Owl, T. Baer gives a hoot.
Woodsy Owl, Andy Arns gives a hoot.