Lakeys Update

WLHA’s weekly Friday Night Live show, in addition to providing great music, humorous banter, and sometimes truly unexpected entertainment, it is now home to a prestigious honor – the all new WLHA LAKEY AWARD (pronounced like the body of water with an “E” at the end).  Yes, other organizations have their GRAMMYs, TONYs, and EMMYs, […]

WLHA on Google Home

We didn’t actually know anyone who owns one of these things, but apparently some people do, so we wanted to be there!  Now we are.  To hear WLHA on your Google Home device just utter one of the following phrases: Ok Google, Ask WLHA Radio to play Ok Google, Speak to WLHA Radio Ok Google, […]

WLHA Back on BBC Radio 5 Live

Radio 5 invited Casey and Deke back for a look back at 2020 and also a look ahead to what Deke and WLHA have in store for the new year. When it comes to American radio there is no question that the BBC counts on WLHA to “be there” when they call. Listen to the […]

WLHA Welcomes Tom Bolger

WLHA is proud to welcome to our air staff Wisconsin Broadcasters Hall of Famer Tom Bolger. Tom is a broadcast leader whose career with Wisconsin based Forward Communications Corporation, parent of six television and ten radio stations, spanned 30 years. He was President and General Manager of WMTV, Madison, 1963-1980, Forward’s Chief Operating Officer, 1980-84 […]

Send a Request Through Alexa!

WLHA has one of the most advanced Alexa Skills of any radio station on earth. In addition to asking which song is playing you can now ask WLHA to play your request just by saying the following to your Alexa device: “Alexa ask WLHA to play (name of song). An instant notification will be sent […]

Never Miss Deke Duncan

You can set a reminder on Alexa to listen to the Deke Duncan show every Sunday on the Big 64 WLHA. Watch the video below to see how it’s done! Only one problem. Alexa has never heard of anyone named Deke. But the reminder will still work.

Ask What Song is Playing

One of the drawbacks of Alexa is that even on display enabled devices like the Show or the Spot Alexa will not display “now playing” metadata. But the new WLHA Alexa Skill has a neat work around. You can ask Alexa which song is playing. Phrasing is somewhat important here. You need to “ask WLHA”. […]