Ask What Song is Playing
One of the drawbacks of Alexa is that even on display enabled devices like the Show or the Spot Alexa will not display “now playing” metadata. But the new WLHA Alexa Skill has a neat work around. You can ask Alexa which song is playing. Phrasing is somewhat important here. You need to “ask WLHA”. […]
New WLHA Alexa Skill
We’ve updated the WLHA Alexa Skill to make it better (and make it work!)
To enable WLHA on your Echo devices or other Alexa enabled devices like the Voiz AIR Radio just say “Alexa enable WLHA”. That’s it. After that you can just say “Alexa play WLHA”. Send an email to if you run into any difficulties.
Manchester’s TheManc Picks Up on Deke and WLHA
Manchester news site picks up picks up the story of local boy made good Deke Duncan and his arrival at WLHA. Read the story here.
Deke and Casey the K on the BBC Breakfast Show
To cap off all the BBC coverage of Deke Duncan’s arrival at WLHA, Deke and Casey were on the national BBC Breakfast Show on Sunday, October 11th. This required Casey to be up at 1am to meet the air time but as you see he looks bright and chipper. For reasons known only to the […]
Deke Duncan and WLHA Make the Scottish Sun
Deke Duncan’s hiring by WLHA is some of the biggest news to hit the UK in a while based on all the news coverage it is receiving. Here’s a piece on Deke’s signing from one of the Scotland’s biggest papers.
WLHA Welcomes Deke Duncan
Tune in Sunday morning for the debut of “Uncle Deke” Duncan on The Big 64. Join Lee Harris 7AM – 10 AM for a look back at the days of off-shore pirate radio stations, such as Radio Caroline, and an introductory interview with Deke for some personal memories of those exciting days. Then at 10 […]
A Great Radio for Listening to WLHA
We just took delivery of a VOIZ AIRadio. It’s a classic tabletop radio design, combining New England Hi-Fi sound with Alexa functionality. It’s a great choice for listening to WLHA. Check out the video: More information and including ordering options here:
WLHA Looking Good on Apple CarPlay in iOS 13
iOS 13 includes an updated CarPlay which makes the WLHA iOS app display better in CarPlay. The app also now displays cover art in CarPlay, which the earlier versions did not do. Just part of the WLHA “be there” strategy – wherever there may be…
WLHA Goes to Woodstock
Well to Bethel, NY anyway. That’s where the festival actually took place 50 years ago. Our Lee Harris will be in Bethel this Sunday morning with a sample of all the acts that took the stage, including the ones that are totally forgotten today like Bert Sommer and Sweetwater. He’ll also be looking for superannuated […]