Nailed it, Brighid...all of that you said!
On Deke Duncan
We enjoyed seeing the show. It was a wonderful production and we are delighted to be able to share it…
On WLHA To Broadcast The River Valley Players “It’s a Wonderful Life”
Thanks so much for broadcasting our production of "It's a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play." I'm looking forward to listening!…
On WLHA To Broadcast The River Valley Players “It’s a Wonderful Life”
Bellevue. Twenty-eight and First.
On Rinko Launches E-Commerce Site
Finally realized your dream? I'm half way through the BBC clip and saw you in the comments. I'm from London…
On Deke Duncan
Great music tonight Susie. Thanks for playing our song,. We never looked back is correct and we danced to Mustang…
On Susie Morgan
Wowza What a great Voice” Miss Susie Morgan”Listening to U from Sunny Arizona with my 5 Sisters on our “Sisters…
On Susie Morgan
Us sisters are all in AZ listening this week . You do a fabulous job and have a great radio…
On Susie Morgan
Not sure why, but every time "Long, Cool Woman In A Black Dress" comes on, I have to break into…
On Kurt Dawson
Love the 70's music Susie
On Susie Morgan