
WLHA Studios – Part 3

Today we’re visiting the Wisconsin studio where Nivek commits radio, both on his own program on Sundays and Wednesdays and during the Music and Malarkey Morning Show with Casey and Tom Weeden.  Like many of us on the WLHA staff, Nivek has collected an impressive array of stray equipment over the years.  Notice the Teac […]

WLHA Studios – Part 2

While WLHA has many studios hither and yon it also has two master control centers – WLHA East  in New York and WLHA West in Madison overseen by Casey the K.  It is certainly the most elaborate of all our facilities crammed full of just a fraction of the equipment Mr. The K has accumulated […]

WLHA Studios – Part 1

Back in the 1970’s WLHA really had only 2 studios – a small on-air studio and a somewhat larger production studio.   The modern version of WLHA has studios all over the US and in the UK.  In this series we will explore the wide variety of equipment and configurations of our various studios. We’ll start […]

WLHA On Apple CarPlay!

WLHA is now a button on the modern day car radio – Apple CarPlay.  We’ve updated the WLHA iOS app so that WLHA now appears as a button alongside your other CarPlay enabled apps: There we are right next to WMAL and WTOP (the highest billing radio station in America!) If you don’t see WLHA […]

WLHA on Your Apple Watch

There’s an app called Streamlets that can turn you into a Lakeshore 64 version of Dick Tracy.  It plays WLHA (and some other stations, but who cares) right on your Apple Watch.  The sound is surprisingly good considering the tiny speaker in the Apple Watch.  Behold: Does anyone actually need to listen to WLHA on […]

A Fun Way to Listen to WLHA

While we work on getting the WLHA iOS app to work with CarPlay here’s a fun alternative.   RadioApp simulates the fun of tuning an old analog radio while pulling in WLHA and other streams: In this video we see what happens if you tune the Wisconsin radio dial: The tuning sound effects are especially great.  […]

Special Christmas Feature on WLHA

This holiday season WLHA will be featuring Chick Powers and his feature “The Inside Stories Behind the Christmas Songs”.  Chick has interviews with people like Jay Livingston who wrote “Silver Bells”, Johnny Marks who wrote “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and Sammy Cahn who wrote “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow”.  You will […]

WLHA Recommends

Thanks to our fine sponsors at Omega Mart who recently sent us a sample of their excellent Nut Free Salted Peanuts just in time for Halloween.  Great for all those kids with nut allergies.  (Note: May contain peanuts).  Check out the full line of Omega Mart products here.

A New Way to Hear WLHA

WLHA was once of the most difficult radio stations to receive.  In fact outside of the Lakeshore Dorms there was no way to receive it.  But now WLHA is one the easiest stations to receive with apps for iOS and Android as well as Alexa and Google Assistant compatibility.  Another way to receive WLHA an […]

WLHA Jock-O-Lanterns!

For Halloween fun, we invited listeners to “carve us up” for Halloween, by creating Jack-O-Lanterns in the likeness of WLHA jocks, thus becoming WLHA Jock-O-Lanterns. Even the staff got into it.  See if you can identify which Jock-O-Lantern goes with which air personality.  Some are easy, and some are tricky. Tune in Monday morning on […]