WLHA’s weekly Friday Night Live show, in addition to providing great music, humorous banter, and sometimes truly unexpected entertainment, it is now home to a prestigious honor – the all new WLHA LAKEY AWARD (pronounced like the body of water with an “E” at the end). Yes, other organizations have their GRAMMYs, TONYs, and EMMYs, but they’ve got nothing on the LAKEY, well except huge awareness, spotless reputations, prestige, and long histories of extremely talented winners. But we’re here to change all that.
Each week the Friday Night Live Knuckleheads will award a LAKEY for a different subject, based on nominations from themselves and listeners who dare to join in via phone or email. At the end of the show, a vote is taken, and all the winners will appear here, on Lakeshore64.com, where they can be viewed in all their glory in perpetuity. There are only some greater honors.
Tune in every Friday starting at 7pm CST to find out latest winning artist, song, album, or who knows what else. Trust us, if you miss it, you’ll miss it, so BE THERE!
Here are all Lakey winners to date: