WLHA’s Lee Harris Inducted into National Radio Hall of Fame

WLHA’s Lee Harris was inducted into Radio Hall of Fame on September 19, 2024 in a ceremony at the Omni Hotel in Nashville, TN. The group of inductees also included Lorianne Crook and Charlie Chase of The Crook & Chase Countdown, Jaime Jarrin, Kraig Kitchin, Barry Mayo, Mary McCoy, and Matt Siegel.

In addition to his work on WLHA, Harris was known for his 30 years doing mornings on 1010 WINS, the all-news station in New York City.

Among those on hand to celebrate in Nashville was WLHA’s own James Copeland.

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Casey The K


  1. That’s our WLHA guy! From the first moment I heard his voice (at the radio station, in the basement, of a dormitory, at the at the University of Wisconsin… I knew Lee was going places. (I had no idea it would be to Nashville!)

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